CSS for Web Technology

Subhath Abeysekara
2 min readFeb 22, 2021

We use CSS for front end design of the web page and to handle it as our need. Designing is somewhat very easy and efficient with the help of CSS.

We can link a CSS style sheet to any web page through the tag, <link>. In designing with CSS, it takes very important place for the <div> tag and its parameters, class and ID.

First, we create a frame with <div> html tag and then we create another frames within the page. The parameters, Width and Height represent how large the div is and Top, Left, Right, Bottom parameters represent the location of the div within the web page and the Background represent the background color of the web page.

There are some other most important parameters in CSS.

The Position parameter. When it takes the value as “Relative”, says that it has an isolated behavior. If it is “Absolute”, says that it behaves comparatively to the head which it belongs.

The Opacity parameter. If it takes value “0”, that item is not visible and otherwise it is visible.

The other important thing is that the ability to create animations. It is also created as a class and we insert it to the HTML page in need. For that, we need the help of JavaScript (JS). We can create the animation through CSS as follows,

